Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fall Blanket

 I'm running abit late this year with Fall clean-up. This consists of me sitting on the lawn tractor mow-mulching all the leaves. Tuff job--huh? I really meant to get to it. Honest. I like the leaf blanket tho. The way all the golds,reds,browns and yellows that belong to Fall reflect the Suns' light. I love the crackles and crunches while we walk the Corgs and ride the horses. Perhaps I'll get to my Fall clean-up next week. Honest.

A Corgis' eye-view


  1. My hubby does all the leaf composting with a hand pushmower...we have less than half an acre of lawn. He is into the compost building big time and loves mowing the lawn...guess I am lucky.

  2. Love your new mower
    but this ancient one
    better pass
    and on second thought
    maybe not :)
    Thank you for your comment
    and I do believe
    you have found your spot of Heaven...
